Life : A Survivor Game

In order make one’s life better and stable, there are different ways to achieve this goal. Hence life is nothing but a survivor game. Let me tell you why?

To make one’s life wonderful and great some become actor, some become doctor, some become businessman, some become politician, some become govt. employee etc. A person is recognized only when he become devastated or successful in his life. But people unable to see how much they had suffered during this journey. how much one had saw various ups and downs. Some of them failed to make it and some overcome everything ahead of their goal. And only these few people could make possible to this level where world recognized him as successful achiever in life. And this struggling phase of life is called survivor game which has been started since when they were born in this planet. If life is a survivor game then there must be adventures. And throughout the process one confronted many challenges, where sometimes they falls and sometime they stood up, sometimes embrace happiness and sometimes embrace disappointments but the game is still playing by life itself since it was started when he was borne. And all these ups and downs are called adventure of life (survivor game).

There is no shortcut in every field of professions. The game is still on until you are breathing. So, if you want to quit this game then just quit your life that’s it. But always remember one thing, don’t compare yourself with anybody around you because every thing exist in this world is meant for a something, no anything out there is useless, even you also. you are part of this game. you can’t escape or ignore yourself from the truth because your existence is ultimate truth for every reason. Now its time to understand how to master playing this game.

There is a common keyword hard work’ that you must have heard once from every successful man. This is a common skill of every successful endeavor of this world. This practice improvise your skill to perfection which will make your prepare for the next level of life. And never do a mistake to think that the next level will be easier as you had just accomplish the previous level, but as the level increase the difficulties will more harder. onset your mindset will describing how you are going to become. In a very simple language your enthusiasm, dedication and mentality will be the main course of reason to build your hard work skill. But also never forget that now this is an adventure, so you have to ready for every ups and downs because all these moments complete an adventure otherwise it will be not meant to be as an adventure rather a boring and lifeless life indeed better to die.

Here is a piece of advise to you; never stay at one moment of your life whether it a happy moment or sad moments, always be ready for the next challenge of your life until you are breathing and conscious.

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