How Modernization Destroy Nature

two people drawing on whiteboard

Human activity destroying the Mother Earth itself. Growing developments is indicating towards modernization. It also paved the way to the destruction of nature. It’s a paradoxical reality that we find ourselves in today, where the very advancements that were meant to improve our lives have instead led to the destruction of the environment. Let’s take … Read more

You Should Never Blind Trust To These Professionals

When it comes to seeking advice or services, it’s important to exercise caution and make informed decisions. There are certain professionals that some individuals may find it challenging to trust completely, While it’s unfair to generalize about entire professions. Here are four unprofessionalism behavior of officers that you may want to approach with caution: 1. … Read more

Law Is The Biggest Enemy Of Justice Itself || paradox

In the pursuit of justice and order, and human rights and law the plays a crucial role in society. However, there are instances where the law itself can become an enemy of justice, creating a paradoxical situation. In matter of fact, the function of law is to sets the standards, regulates behavior, and provides a … Read more